Saturday, July 7, 2007

Legon Lures Lagos Love

crystal droplets of deep reflections
sodden the sand of my sad stance
widened into a serene rivulet
that ripples with my teardrops
like a tender insatiate suckling
from the mother’s breast wrenched
my vulnerability poignantly felt I
time, not naira, like a colossus
between Akoka and I bestrode
degrees waiting names to inscribe

doped with sublime ambivalence
solemnly I watch the cryptic swap
as Logon lures Lagos, love
oh! Nature, my witness and contact be
as I sandwich my loyalty and love
between the lagoon and the hill
savour the flavour of the two giants
to blend the two esoteric ivory towers
once an Akokite, always the greatest

Lagoon Front moans, the poet broods
shadows on the third Mainland bridge
of distant cars kissing in the traffic

a new oath solemnly taken
I shall return to nurse this falconer
whose intellectual tits I weaned

Written by
Dela Bobobee©

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